I should be heading for my bed (it's been a very busy weekend), but while I'm still buzzing from the
WASPS open studio in Selkirk this weekend I thought I better let anyone that couldn't make it know what they missed out on!!

This was my display (above) within the communal space that is inside the industrial unit that Wasps occupies in Selkirk, to keep it in line with the other artwork being showcased (which is mainly framed artworks) I kept it sleek and simple and tried to display my tea-towels like works of art instead of kitchen linen. I took a few orders for my tea-towels over the event, which is great, and will be busy busy over the next week fulfilling those orders.

Here is a sneek-peek into my working space where all the magic (!) happens, it's looking very clean and tidy which has to be said isn't a common occurence...especially when it comes to the way I work!

This is a picture of the wonderful activities which were on offer for kids and adults alike, everyone went away very sparkly. Overall there was over 500 people through the doors which was an amazing turn out and it was great to see loads of familiar faces (as well as meeting some wonderful new people too). Thank you to all those that could make it along, it's great to know that WASPS is supported throughout the local community! There was great performances from two local folk bands and plenty of yummy cakes too which altogether combined to create a fantastic weekend, I'm now going to sleep for a week!