Monday, 20 December 2010

ukhandmade blogpost

Just wanted to highlight a blog posting on ukhandmade written by Larissa Joice. (Check out her photography website, giggleicious, for beautiful family portraiture). The post highlights some of the great people and crafts on show and for sale at Made by Hand this year. I also had to include this photo above (by Larissa) as I just thought it was so whimsical.

Sunday, 12 December 2010

Made by Hand, Wales

Last weekend the Made by Hand Fair took place at the idyllic location of Tradegar House near Newport in Wales, where I had a lovely stand alongside around 140 crafts people based all over the country. I had travelled from Scotland (along with a couple of other stands), as well as Devon, London, Shropshire, Manchester etc etc! The work on display was of such a high quality I couldn't resist coming away with a few goodies myself, as well as selling my work to customers who had travelled in from Bristol, Birmingham and Wales to experience the first Made by Hand Fair to be held at this location. Thanks so much for making the journey if you made it...the weather certainly didn't make it easy! The location was beautiful (see the picture below) and I had a great time chatting to fellow crafters and creative types exhibiting and visiting the event. I had a lot of my smaller pieces, popular purchases included the gift tags, birdcage tea-towels and butterfly canvas bags which made perfect presents for friends and family (but more often than not for yourself)!
Some other exhibitors you should go and check out if you have a chance include;
peris&corr (screen-printers based in Wales)
studioat37 (ceramists based in Glasgow, whose work I had seen at the Gin Palace Event back in April...check my blog from then)
Dennis Farrell Ceramics (I couldn't resist one of his sea inspired bowls)
Helaina Sharpley (The wire pieces were soooo clever)
Ecoh (stunning paper manipulation)
Jennifer Collier (I've admired the paper artworks for many years now)
Ruth Green (whimsical screen-printed creatures, flora and fauna)
I could include everyone in this list for something as it was an amazing high standard of work on offer so if you get the chance then check out the link here for a comprehensive list of everyone that took part this year.