So I was just checking out
Julia Douglas' blog (a fellow textile fanatic who does some amazing work) as you do on a Friday evening and she mentioned that she had been featured on this months makers on the CraftScotland website which is all to do with Textiles...very exciting I thought and clicked on the link...well it turns out I've been featured too along with two other makers I know as well (small world this textile malarky)! So I am sending you all to go check it out at
www.craftscotland.org/Explore%20Craft/printed-textiles.htm hopefully that will get you to the right place otherwise head to the normal website and search it from there!
Thanks for the mention and the link! Have you had a look at my other blog: http://baffie-homecomforts.blogspot.com/
of interest to you at all? I won't be stocking repeat lengths but some of your home accessories could be good.
If so, please drop me an email at julia@baffie.co.uk
Thanks Julia, will have a good look at your other blog and you might be hearing from me soon!