Just wanted to highlight the very successful
Selvedge Fair last Saturday, as you can see from the picture above it was heaving! The hall had been decorated by
Amy Butler design, there were yummy cakes for sale on the stage and the goodie bags vanished within the first few hours which just shows the throngs of people that came through the doors.

I happened to be right next to the front desk which meant there was always a stream of people to chat and sell too. My new Russian Doll card was very popular, fabric to follow soon...maybe a picture too!

There was lots of lovely stalls, I wanted to buy tonnes but that is generally self defeating as you end up spending more than you make!! So I made do with a screen-printed 'hello' card by
Charlotte Farmer and
here too, a birdy brooch from
The Natural Store stand but made by
Art House Meath which is a 'social enterprise celebrating artistic talents of adults living with Epilepsy and learning difficulties' and a swapsie for one of
hazell designs hand bound books...so cute and beautiful.